Do you have Mitochondrial Dysfunction?

Are you someone that feels tired all the time? If you are a typical American then you may have some degree of Mitochondrial Dysfunction. Your Mitochondria are the “powerhouse of your cells.” They are the energy producing organelles inside every cell in your body, aside from red blood cells, and produce 90% of the body's energy. Mitochondrial Dysfunction plays a role in every disease process in the body, including diseases of the brain, nerves, muscles, kidneys, heart, liver, eyes, ears and pancreas. What causes mitochondrial dysfunction? Environmental factors such as pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides in foods, occupational chemicals, cigarette smoke, perfume, colognes; viruses such as Covid-19, Mono viruses, mold exposure (mycotoxins), Lyme Disease, and heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic etc.,). How do you fix mitochondrial dysfunction? First identify the cause of the dysfunction; once identified, then removal of the trigger. Then you can use therapies such as ozone, mitochondrial enhancing supplements, peptide therapy, and IV therapy to restore your optimal health.


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